No ripping please.

Friday, November 5, 2010
forget about this blog so long le so pai sia....
cos i got another blog functioning....
so sorry
erm in sch this few week is still fine
and happy too~
i love it so hope that everyday also can like that too!
humm..... in class was so boring i prefer in physic lesson!
at least i more happy
cya bye!

Sunday, September 26, 2010
all my test is going to doing more and more worse than ever!
i think i should thinking u again!
u cause me to lose more and more focus in study u know!
thinking is it a wrong choice chosse u a not?
cya! bye!

Friday, September 24, 2010
i do finish my test how????
confirm fail.... de lorh
i decide i totally give up on you le
you compare to the rock like no different de
so yah
wad ever now will going to disappear!
i need to focus in studies and get a good job in it!
ok cya!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
yea happy week!
this week was so fun!
just now just chat with cj adeline jasmine wei chang
on fb
but saD to say that he don't want to join cdac anymore
so sad!
leat see pic
me and ruzaini

hee hee!
shhhhh don tell him!
cya bye!
later maybe go down stair at night and light the candle!
don't noe will saw who??
but guess what
at sunday 12/9/10
i saw wei chang at the free bus
i don even know
is he call mu name
and then i know is him!
so i ask me where he go
but he just point at their family members
two brother and his mother
but that time i goo off at compass point he didn't and i said bye to him!
he also
that time i go to the suntic city and photo alot too
and before going there
my parent took to mac and eat
buy happy meal and sit there eat
i think this was my first time bah so memorable
never will forget this de!
ok that's all!`
cya bye!

Saturday, September 11, 2010
tomorrow going to suntic city~
and i done my f&n thing le
i just now know that hec got stead le
but never mind i also does not have any feel of him anymore le
cheat my feeling one
wad ever
who cares about him
bt anyway wish him stay long! bye cya!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
yesterday tuition was so fun!
draw by adeline!

Monday, August 30, 2010
I have been so long did not posting anythinghere le bah
kay now i post!
erm life was sucks so lonely i also don know what to then just keep wonder around bah
ok one fine day me and maha take pic!
then one more one fine day! i eat mac! with my mum!

and this was the free gift given that is happy meal lah~
so cute right! D:
then now i so desperately want a cool bag`
yah still search for it
just don't why too?
just want to buy

okay video time from hec de~

okay cya bye!~


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That Girl
My name is li min
a.k.a lili -----
Born on earth since ()gemini
Currently studying in NVSS
she's imperfect and she's lovin` it :)
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"Never shedding another tear for you"

Oh fairy god mother, please grant me my wish.

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I'm in love with Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner, Tohoshinki and Js*. And, abit of Big Bang.
They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are.
I'm a die-hard fan of White, Pink and Gray. Not much of Black.
Audition and Blogging are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them.
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cause i can't live w/o you .

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